Other Sources

You can install the source files directly. There are many ways to do that.


If you have installed Python, you can run pip to install the package from PyPI.

QT Frontend

pip install simple-dhcp-server[qt]

Tk Frontend

If you cannot install QT, you can use the Tk version:

pip install simple-dhcp-server


If you have installed Python, you can run pip to install the package from GitHub directly.

pip install git+https://github.com/niccokunzmann/simple_dhcp_server.git


pipx makes installation even nicer because it isolates the app.

  1. Install pipx

  2. Install and start the Simple DHCP Server:

    sudo pipx run --spec simple-dhcp-server[qt] python-dhcp-server-qt  

Development Setup

You can also setup the Simple DHCP Server for development.


After installation, refer to the usage.